Blog: What I Learned My First Year as a Freelancer

What I Learned

 My First Year as a Freelancer

December 22, 2024

What I Learned My First Year as a Freelancer

How fast this year has gone! I wouldn’t change it for the world – I really love what I do, even with all the ups and downs. It’s a constant process of learning, growing, changing and all the while refining my skills to become better. I have met some amazing people and had the opportunity to complete some awesome projects.


I was prepared for a lot of self-marketing, expense and profit tracking, developing my own brand, figuring out my process and of course, client relationships.

I was full of both confidence and doubt right before I launched my business – but I knew what skills I had, was ready to take on the "learning curve" and knew I wanted to help small businesses.  I was also blessed to have a wonderful support system in my family.


Having your own business is like having TWO. Using restaurant industry terms, you have to be both “front of the house,” as well as “back of the house," - add managing my father's business and let’s not forget my two children and husband who deserve my time and attention, well...

I thought I was launching a “side” business, but quickly realized my ability to multi-task was going to be tested to the max!

What I learned is that I can juggle A LOT – however, initially maybe not in the most sustainable ways. Over the course of the year, I learned how to control the monopoly of time work would have over my personal life. Be prepared to need very good time management skills. Work diligently and put it down for “brain breaks” and quality family time.


Often the line between client and friend can get fuzzy – especially when I’m naturally talkative and enjoy having a more personable approach with my clients.

What I learned is that you can treat others with kindness and respect while making sure your clients understand that while you are providing a service, your time is just as valuable as theirs. Fine tune things like project timeline expectations, cancellation policies and content handover deadlines.


I started out knowing one web builder like the back of my hand. I quickly seemed to take to the second with flying colors! Honestly, the third and the fourth were quite easy in comparison to the first two “larger,” less constrictive builders. Initially, I wanted to become proficient on as many different web building platforms as I could in order to deliver what any client may want or need for varying industries.

What I learned is that while knowing your way around multiple platforms is a great skill to have, you can really do your best, most efficient work and hone your skills when you limit yourself to one or two. For good reasons, I landed on Wix Studio and Ionos Website Creator (a version not available to the public). They are price comparable to other platforms and offer my clients a lot more bang for their buck, allowing nearly unlimited growth potential for their business. For me, as the designer, Wix Studio and Ionos Website Creator allow me multitudes of freedom in customization and the ability to easily offer continued support post launch.


With business experience already, I had a process laid out prior to launching my business publicly – that way I would have a guide for both me and my clients to keep things running smoothly throughout their projects.

What I learned was that you can have what you think is a very solid process all laid out, but until it’s tested by multiple clients in various industries with various needs – who also add services and alter their timelines, there is no “one process” for a freelancer. Now with that said, after having gotten to test my original process, determine where I was missing steps or where others might need to be added, as well as variations in the process depending on the type of service I’m performing – I have a much clearer one in place now that can help keep things on track. However, if things start going off the rails a little, I’ve learned to roll with the punches!


At the start, I was very focused on other aspects of my business and not so concerned about things I knew I could quickly create – such as templates for invoices, proposals, web analysis’s, email outlines and things of that nature.

I quickly learned that having branded templates predesigned, that I could easily customize was extremely helpful and timesaving! It also gave me a foundation for other templates I didn’t think about initially – like onboarding questionnaires and client feedback surveys. Finding systems to help you streamline your day-to-day management is essential.


I was prepared to send emails, make some cold calls, drive around my community introducing myself and handing out business cards. There may be times in the future when that is necessary, however, I was blessed this year and so thankful. I had a comfortable, steady flow of clients and projects at a pace I could control. They all came to me via my website, social media, and recommendation by family, friends and previous clients.

What I learned having various projects and vastly different clients, is that you will be asked to deliver some things you may have ever done before. On the platforms I utilize most, I’m a quick learner when it comes to incorporating a new functionality but there were also some challenges. You need to continue to be resilient when faced with obstacles – educate yourself in areas that are new or unfamiliar. Be persistent when first, second or even third attempts fail. You may be really surprised what you can do!


Starting a business of any kind is both exciting and terrifying simultaneously! Be as prepared as you can be but also go into it open-mindedly – ready to explore any and all resources available to you! Be passionate. Be humble. The more I learn, the more I want to know. I've encountered many people this year who were great resources and discovered more tools that can help me provide the best services to my clients.

I am so thankful for the amazing amount of support from my community, friends and family! I am grateful for the stellar clients I've had this year who have been a huge part of my growth and achievements. I can’t wait to see what 2025 has in store!

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and nothing but prosperity and blessings in the new year!

“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.”

– Tony Gaskins

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